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Tire Distributor’s Unique Needs Met with Durable Labels and Heavy-Duty Adhesive

A tire distributor operating in a warm climate was having difficulty with the tire labels staying on through inventory and handling process.

The Challenge

A tire distributor operating in a warm climate was having difficulty with the tire labels staying on through inventory and handling process.

Thank you Discount Labels for providing us with the best labels we’ve ever used. In 10 years trying different label providers, none are as dedicated or committed with their customers as you guys.
-- Satisfied Distributor

The Solution: Durable Labels with a High-Tack Adhesive to Withstand Heat and Handling

Discount Labels worked with our material suppliers to design a unique durable label for this tire distributor. The distributor was so happy with the solution, that he shared it with the corporate office. Now, he is managing distribution for all 97 (and growing) locations.