AnyShape® labels make short work of political labels

Political labels, political bumper stickers and decals have come a long way since the mid-1940s, acknowledged by the New York Times as the beginning of the modern era for one election mainstay, the bumper sticker.

Today, full color weatherproof political labels can meet just about any shape requirement, quantity, budget and deadline. From “I voted” stickers to messages supporting/calling out a candidate or cause, political labels continue to be a fixture in US politics.

In contrast, according to the Times, print shop owner Forest Gill’s first bumper sticker was cut out by hand using two new technologies, self-adhesive paper and Day-Glo paint. Notes the Times, “Ever since the automobile age began, drivers had advertised their opinions with handmade placards tied to their cars with bits of twine. Gill realized that he could make ‘bumper signs’ forever obsolete…By the 1960 presidential election, bumper stickers were everywhere, rivaling buttons as a favorite way for voters to declare their intentions.”

Today, they still are a customer favorite, along with their AnyShape® labels and decals brethren. Unlike buttons and other political labels type of products, stickers, labels and decals can adhere nearly everywhere, flex and bend as needed, give designers complete artistic freedom, and present full color impact without breaking the bank.

For your customers, Discount Labels AnyShape® Labels offer benefits that would make bumper sticker founder Forest Gill salivate. Among other benefits to present to your customers, AnyShape® Labels offer:

  • Any shape in any size from 1” x 2” to 26” square, with no die charges—so think as big or little as you want, in any design that your customers can fathom (which could produce some highly provocative and noteworthy political labels given the current political climate)
  • Full color, stocks and finishes limited only by the imagination. From fluorescent and clear to gold and silver to removable/repositionable and weatherproof, your customer’s wish is our command. (We also can print AnyShape® sheets with matte lamination in 8 ½”x11” and 5 ½”x8 ½”.)
  • Variable data/imaging so that customers can create as many AnyShape® Labels’ looks as desired without incurring any additional costs. (Suggest caricatures in various moods and situations as one way to take full advantage of this offering. Possibilities can boggle the imagination, or make your head hurt!)
  • Fast turnaround that offers flexibility and scalability based on emergent events. As soon as “it” happens to delivery can be as little as 72 hours
  • Very affordable pricing in quantities from 50 to 10,000 that make political labels an easy, economical choice for everything from a rally handout to whimsical wallpaper.

Popularity of political labels continues to grow, which is reflected in the revenues of companies that promote them consistently to their customers.