Bumper stickers are an ideal fit for the upcoming presidential elections. Possibilities are mind-boggling. Get customers to consider the use of custom bumper stickers in a variety of campaigns and outreach. Here are just a few examples: Include political bumper stickers in a campaign direct mail packet, hand them out in public settings, give political bumper stickers to donors (the bigger the donation, the more stickers), adhere them to caps and other apparel, use them as mini-yard signs…and of course, put them on bumpers.
As for messages around elections, this year ought to prove a bonanza for new and creative ways to entertain, appall, excite or spur thinking about a candidate, starting with the presidential race. Here are just a few ways people can (and are) using bumper stickers:
- The ultimate disenchanted are developing a campaign around Giant Meteor: “‘Giant Meteor will end nearly all of our nation's chronic problems,’ wrote one Reddit user. ‘The national debt? Gone. Environmental pollution? Sayonara. Unaffordable healthcare? Obliterated.’ (Source: CNET)
- Family fundraising: “Following many Trump-centered conversations over dinner with his children, they decided to make anti-Trump bumper stickers with the hope of swaying potential voters….The family has already sold 100 stickers since opening up shop.” (Source: Westport News-Bridgeport, CN)
Obviously, the list will grow…and grow…and grow in the coming months.
After sharing creative bumper sticker use with customers, get them excited with your own non-conventional discussion starters ideas for the November elections, such as:
- Create a unique political bumper sticker with a short message and a designated blank space for individuals to write in their own thoughts—e.g., “Trump rhymes with _______________” or “My nickname for Hillary is ____________.” (To do this, suggest substrates that work well with various pens/markers.)
- Develop a bumper sticker with such words as, “Ask me about nug control.” Besides being an opportunity to encourage one-on-one (or group) discussion, this can be steered in a variety of ways – e.g., current gun control regulations are backwards. (Offer some imaging ideas to make this stand out, especially the word “nug.”)
- Tell a story across the bumper or an elongated yard sign using several bumper stickers conveying sequential or separate messages. (To make this work, suggest high contrast appearance that will make the message pop, and ways to affix the bumper stickers in a yard, such as adhering to stakes or poles.)