Put Your Stamp On A New Year
Were you one of those kids who stamped everything in sight with a stamp set? Well, the tradition continues. Why write the date when you can stamp it?
Celebrate the New year with a new self-inking dater stamp from Discount Labels. They leave a clean and lasting impression on nearly any kind of paper or packaging from recycled printer paper to cardboard boxes.
And, they work for impressions big and small. Many impression sizes are available from mini-dater stamps in 1” x 1- 5/8” to large dater stamps in 2-5/32” x 3-5/16.” Granted, that’s not nearly as tiny as India’s reported smallest rubber stamp that fits on a matchstick (Uniqueworldrecords.com smallest rubber stamps). And, it isn’t close to being as big as Roadsideamerica.com’s largest rubber stamp measuring 28 feet tall by 48 feet long near Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. But, our range of available dimensions fill just about any need out there.
Self-Inking Daters Fill Many Industry Uses
Your customers in industries from accounting to real estate can use these versatile and handy dater stamps. Accounting, Banking and Financial services all can benefit from self-inking date, action, and approval stamps, while Legal firms can use them to stamp and sign important documents.
The Medical industry relies on stamps for a wide range of uses including patient co-pays, billing, and invoicing.
In Education, stamps fulfill a variety of needs from office documentation to stamping and dating homework assignments and student journal entries.
Stamps in Housing and Real Estate help with mortgage paperwork, and can serve as a custom stamp gift with new address to a new homebuyer.
Start brainstorming other industries and ways to introduce dater stamps into discussion with both customers and prospects. They can prove an attractive and purposeful complement to label orders—and be profitable for you.
Self-Inking Dater Stamps Are User-friendly, Flexible
They feature easily moveable date bands and are available in one-or-two-color combinations. Steel plating adds a sleek modern design. Don’t forget stamp accessories, such as easily replaced ink pads and ink bottles that complement self-inker dater stamps.
Order Custom Dater Stamps now online. Or, call today to speak to a Discount Labels stamp specialist about your custom stamps initiatives or to order quantities of 100 or more.
Happy Stamping!