Going Bold and Personal in 2015

Happy New Year!

I took some time off over the holidays and found myself doing a little more shopping than usual. More and more, I am astounded by the number of unique products displayed on the shelf – about 30,000 – 40,000 in a typical grocery store! As a consumer, I almost drown in a sea of choices. As a custom label printer, I’m studying the “hows” and “whys” of the products that stand out. I’ve gone from being an interested observer to a fanatical student of prime label innovation.

This month, we’re rolling out our new line of AnyShape™ labels – laser cut labels that require no custom die. The quality and precision are absolutely stunning. We’re really pleased to offer this new capability because without the die charge and tooling, you can offer a truly differentiating product more competitively. Coupled with our full color and digital capabilities, you can go for bold.

In this world of micro targeting, personalization and printing innovation, I’m really proud that Discount Labels continues to invest in capabilities that help our distributors grow. From personalization to variable image to AnyShape™ and more, we stand ready to help you stand out.

Look for AnyShape™ sales and training materials in the new Tools & Resources section of our web site. Or give me a call if you have questions about our capabilities relative to a potential opportunity.


Here to help,


VP of Operations