Holidays are the perfect time to help your customers get creative with a variety of items offered by Discount Labels—including full-color magnets, business cards and bookmarks, post cards, greeting cards, announcements, custom printed tape and barricade tape. And, of course, creative labels can add to the mix.
With all these options, your customers can create an entire holiday-branded product collection, from a “going green” theme at Christmas to a “seeing red” on Valentine’s Day.
Much of the fun and challenge is to find new ways to use these everyday items to decorate, adorn, and make an additional, memorable branding statement.
For example, your customers can create an affordable gift package for their customers, colleagues and other stakeholders with a full-color magnet and greeting card combo. The greeting card can convey holiday wishes and ways to use the magnet for holiday celebration. Branding can be included on the magnet, greeting card or both.
Or, what about offering bookmarks to customers developing holiday events to serve as a novel invitation and gift all in one? You can even suggest playful verbiage around “booking” their RSVP for the event. And, for the event itself, custom tape/barricade tape can be deployed to add some festive color on walls, windows, around stanchions used to direct people at the event, etc. Depending on other decorations, such as trees and wreaths, the tape can provide an extra touch when placed strategically. Customers could use labels as accents to add a new decorative dimension—such as hearts, arrows and other design elements for a Valentine’s Day event.
And, for those needing a last-minute Halloween addition to their party, costume or decorating aspirations, Discount Labels can help make resellers heroes with fast turnaround and a can-do attitude when it comes to tight deadlines for quality work.
For any holiday need, business cards, post cards and announcements round out the ways Discount Labels can facilitate a complete, professional, and where desired, customer-branded campaign.
Let Discount Labels add some additional holiday spirit and excitement to your customers’ celebrations and events!