Label Design Strategy – Strong sales may not reflect label design shortcomings

Product demand is strong. That established look and feel seems to be working. So, why should customers turn their label design strategy on its ear?

In many cases, there may be no need. However, until you know whether or not your customers’ brand needs a refresh or redo, don’t wait to address the issue. Label design strategy is an area where your added value can be tremendous, even if the resulting decision is to do nothing.

The key with regards to label design strategy lies in thinking about common sense versus complacency when it comes to your customers’ mindsets. Amid all the issues that arise daily, the typical customer is overwhelmed—possibly with brush fires du jour. They’re so busy meeting today’s deadlines that they may not think much ahead of that until something forces the issue. Hence, the reason for complacency when it comes to branding and design.

On the other hand, increasing competition and ability of companies to be nimble in redoing their branding may bode ill for your customers who aren’t keeping pace. The once adequate design starts looking dated or faded in comparison to motivated competitors.

Here are a few ways to approach the topic of label design strategy:

1. Develop and present one or more label designs featuring a look and feel that can plant the seeds for further discussion. Depending on the customer’s present look, historical branding patterns, and competitor examples, the presentation can be anything from subtly updated to dramatically different than competitor offerings. Presuming you have a good rapport with the customer, showing initiative this way can prove valuable to the relationship, no matter the outcome.

2. Offer periodic articles and research addressing branding-related trends in their industry as part of a personalized communications effort through email or other channels. This can be a relatively low-key way to share information without the appearing overly salesy.

3. Create one or more new branding schemes that actually may reduce production and printing costs—with the approach, “the way to a customer’s heart is through his/her pocketbook.” In some cases, for example, black and white or another “basic” approach may be both more economical and impactful when viewed against a bunch of high-color, high-gloss competitors. Of course, you don’t want to take money out of your pocket or that of your customers. But, this can be offset by a happier customer rewarding you with more work—and profits—down the road.