Looking for another way to engage customers, and get them thinking about current and possible improvements to labels and packaging? Talk barcodes. A staple in today’s inventory, order tracking and production control arenas, barcodes are a specialty area that can spark conversation about a variety of presentation possibilities.
In health and beauty, consecutive number and barcode labels can be a tool in revamping inventory for spring cleaning—or a way to connect to more product information than a label or package can contain, think QR codes. Adding in variable data options makes it possible to present different scents, colors and other effects that can enliven a line of products and add interesting twists to an otherwise straightforward selection, while saving money on production costs.
Here are quick tips to help talk barcodes (all of which can be tied to variable data/consecutive numbering) with health and beauty customers:
Are they needed for operations? Generally speaking, barcodes make sense for health and beauty manufacturers who: a) want to track inventory across websites and inventory tracking software; b) sell (or want to sell) to retailers that use inventory management software and electronic point-of-sale systems (e.g., cash registers); c) are tied into fulfillment services such as Amazon or work with distributors/other third-party operations to handle the product.
Are they needed for marketing/consumer information? QR codes, an advanced two-dimensional barcode, can be a great link between a product label and valuable product information. Consumers can scan a QR code with a smartphone to link to websites and other digital files containing key information about ingredients, uses, reviews, and the like.
What’s the future look like? If not needed/desired now, what might change the landscape and when? Rapidly-growing health and beauty companies may benefit from a “higher torque” barcode to serve a growing distribution network.
Popular barcodes types are Code 3 of 9, Code 2 of 5, Codabar and Code 128. We can create barcodes (including QR codes) for these formats and more, with the human readable number. Touch base with a Discount Labels rep to confirm/discover the right barcode options. Regardless of choices, we’ve got seven presses with consecutive barcode capabilities to meet demand on command.