Turn marginal profits into profitable margins

What’s better than a simple sale to your customers, 24-hour turnaround, and a bonanza for repeat sales? Upping your margins in the process. For a limited time, you can be a hero to your customers and your bottom line with a 15% reduction on Discount Labels’ one, two and three-color quick-ship labels.

This limited-time price reduction on quantities up to 10,000 is part of our “Partner in Profits” push to help maximize margins without having to sacrifice anything along the way. The quick-ship price reduction includes die-cut, circle, oval and seal, square-cut, special-shape and AnyShape® labels and a wide array of stock choices. Sure about the offer but not your stock choice? Just contact us for free samples at 800-995-9500 or [email protected].

“In these challenging and often-tumultuous times, everyone deserves a break—our reseller customers and their customers chief among them,” notes Mike Gore, Discount Labels VP Operations. “This price reduction offer allows our resellers to improve margins without stressing out about quality or timeframe compromises to do it. Essentially, it’s a higher-margin, turnaround and quality win-win-win.”

As part of the quick-ship price reduction, resellers also can promote the fact that Discount Labels is the complete “made in the USA” company—a major positive selling point with customers leery about the quality of foreign-made products and business practices, Gore adds. In fact, the quick-ship promotion was timed to coincide with the recent Labor Day holiday celebrating the contributions of US workers. “It’s a reminder to all of us to support the ‘home team’ whenever possible,” Gore points out.

If you’re seeking immediate quotes, looking for more information, or wanting to discuss ideas about anything from specific customer challenges to paper stock suggestions, contact Discount Labels via the web (www.discountlabels.com), email (quotes@discountlabels), or phone (800-995-9500).