Use AnyShape® Sheets to fundraise both as sales items in their own right and as awareness generators

When your customers’ thoughts turn to fundraising efforts, particularly in school and sports endeavors, traditional approaches such as bake sales, walkathons, car washes, yard sales and musical events can carry the day. But, in some cases, the time, trouble and resources required to make them happen don’t justify the return on investment.

Entice your customers with a simple, straightforward and very affordable fundraising tool—AnyShape® sheets. Available in 8 ½ x11” or 5 ½ x8 ½” finished sizes, AnyShape can accommodate up to 15 custom shapes, contours and messaging items on a single sheet. So, the sheet itself can be sold as, or paired with, a fundraising item for endeavors ranging from money to buy school sports equipment and uniforms to daycare and preschool books, supplies and other needed items.

To spur sales in this fashion, your customers may opt to include an AnyShape sheet handout with any purchase of a paid fundraising item. Perhaps it’s a simple “work of art” that can be embellished with AnyShape items; or a handout to accompany calendar sales. Or, personalize these by leaving space to name contributors to a cause—then posting the contributor’s name on a common viewing area. Finally, they can be used to say “thank you” to those supporting a particular cause or fundraiser.

In addition to serving as fundraising items/inducements themselves, self-adhesive buttons, stickers, decals, bumper stickers and the like on these sheets can be used effectively by your customers to rev up awareness of and interest in a particular fundraiser with compelling messaging and graphics. Elements on these sheets can be applied to store windows, car bumpers, laptops, walls, desks, promotional items such as water bottles, etc.—anywhere your customer cares to consider.

Because the stock is poly repositionable, items on AnyShape sheets can be “mobilized” as necessary when exposure or location needs change. Matte lamination is included in the price to provide a clean and protective finish, and AnyShape sheets are printed CMYK.

AnyShape sheets can be a perfect choice to help shape up fundraising efforts.