Welcome to the Discount Labels Blog

I’ve been with discount labels for over 20 years now, and I wish I had a dollar for every time we brought a customer through our facility and heard “I didn’t know you did that!” so, since it wouldn’t be realistic for all of our distributors to visit us — as much as we’d love to see you — we’re bringing our expertise and ideas to you.

You will notice in coming months that we have been investing in educational resources to help you build your label expertise and your business. This blog will be one of those resources. Here, I’ll share with you industry and product trends; new materials, inks and processes that open up selling opportunities; and resources I come across that will help your business succeed.

And I’d like to hear from you, too! The folks here in New Albany will tell you that I welcome a good conversation, especially about labels, so feel free to comment or ask questions and get in on the dialog. My goal is to help you sell more labels — with total confidence!

Look for some news from LabelExpo 2014 in my next blog due to post very soon.

Here to Help!

Mike Gore

VP of Operations